Mihai & Imo – Fotograf nunta Alba
Fotograf nunta Alba
Mihai and Imo are wedding photographers and they work in the same field as me, and this put a bit of pressure on my shoulders,
but their relaxed attitude and that they knew how to organize a wedding made all my fears to dispel.
I did not feel when the time passing with their wedding , and party was so beautiful that I can say that I had also fun until it was finished.
Mihai and Imo thank you for your trust and patient. I hope that the pictures below,
to bring your smile for the rest of your days together 🙂.
It was a joy to photograph your wedding.
Best wishes,
Mihai Mihai & Imo – Fotograf nunta Alba
Mihai si Imo sunt fotografi de nunta si lucreaza in acelasi domeniu ca si mine,iar acest lucru a pus un pic de presiune pe umerii mei,
dar atitudinea lor relaxata si faptul ca au stiu cum sa organizeze nunta a facut toate temerile mele sa se risipeasca.
Nici nu am simtit cand a trecut nunta lor,iar petrecerea a fost atat de faina incat pot spune ca m-am distrat si eu pana la sfarsit.
Mihai si Imo va multumesc pentru incredere si rabdare.Sper ca fotografiile de mai jos sa va aduca zambetul pe buze toata viata :).A fost o bucurie sa va fotografiez nunta.
Cu drag,